
You searched for “Buildings Facilities”


  • Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)
    The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) mandates that buildings and facilities that are designed, built, or funded with federal money be accessible to people with disabilities.
  • About the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
    What's in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design? How do these standards relate to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? This article answers these questions and more.
  • The ADA and Title II Public Entities
    The ADA ensures access by people with disabilities to buildings, facilities, programs, services, and activities offered by state and local governments.
  • About Recreation Accessibility
    ADA regulations about access to outdoor recreation for people with disabilities: background explainer, fact sheets, and infographics.
  • The ADA and Parking
    Accessible parking is a common feature in parking lots—and a common topic in questions posed on the Northeast ADA Center hotline.

Fact Sheets

Ask About the ADA


The ADA in K-12 Schools

Infographic that says: The ADA in K-12 Schools
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to public schools (including charter schools) and private schools from kindergarten through high school.
Religiously controlled schools are exempt from the ADA, but state or local nondiscrimination laws may still apply.
What does the ADA impact in schools?
- All educational programs, services, and activities
- Access to school buildings and facilities, summer programs, and extracurricular activities
- Parent-teacher conferences, school board meetings, adult education, sporting events, school plays, and graduation ceremonies Share on Facebook

Important ADA Activists: Judith Heumann

Infographic titled 'Important ADA Activists: Judith Heumann'
Disability rights leader. Founder of Disabled in Action (1970). Led a sit-in to pass the regulations to implement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Quote: 'Disability only becomes a tragedy for me when society fails to provide the things we need to lead our lives-job opportunities or barrier-free buildings, for example. It is not a tragedy to me that I'm living in a wheelchair.'
Quote source: Joseph S. P. Shapiro, No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement, page 20, (New York: Times Books, 1993).
If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232. Share on Facebook

Accessible Recreation Opportunities

Infographic featuring pictures of a ferris wheel, a golf ball, a pier, a boat dock, a firing range, and a pool.

The ADA requires recreation opportunities to be accessible to people with disabilities. This includes access to:
Amusement Parks & rides
Boating facilities
Fishing piers 
Miniature golf courses
Golf courses
Bowling lanes
Shooting facilities
Swimming pools and spas

If you have any questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact us at 1-800-949-4232 Share on Facebook

Notable Developments in Disability Access in 2018

Infographic titled 'Notable Developments in Disability Access in 2018' featuring several text boxes:

1. Refreshed standards for web access take effect.

2. The Department of Justice (DOJ) creates a settlement agreement to reduce the user of nursing facilities to serve people with serious psychiatric conditions.

3. DOJ affirms website accessibility applies to public accommodations.

If you have questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact the Northeast ADA Center at 1-800-949-4232 Share on Facebook

Public Beaches Must Be Accessible to People with Disabilities

Infographic that says: Public Beaches Must Be Accessible to People with Disabilities. Beach facilities - such as parking lots, toilet rooms, concessions, and showers - must be accessible and located on an accessible route. Share on Facebook

What is the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)?

Social media image that says: What is the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)? This US federal law requires that federal facilities be physically accessible to people with disabilities. Photo shows a ramp being used by a person in a wheelchair. Share on Facebook

Blog Posts

  • The Fair Housing Act (FHA) and Accessible Parking
    March 17, 2016
    We receive a number of calls about accessible parking in housing settings, like apartments and condos, so today I want to highlight the accessible parking requirements and regulations in the Fair Hous...
  • Title II of the ADA
    July 26, 2019
    Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all programs, services, and activities operated by, on behalf of, or with the substantial support of state or local government. Thi...
  • Title II and the ADA: You’re not alone!
    March 24, 2016
    When the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, it was hailed by many in the disabled community as a giant leap forward in their struggle for equal...
  • I know I am required to have accessible parking spaces…but where do I put them???
    April 04, 2016
    Most people understand that that if they provide parking at their site/facility, they then have to provide accessible parking as well.   Things get a little trickier sometimes when yo...
  • #Thanks to the ADA—NY
    July 20, 2020
    As we approach the 30th Anniversary of the ADA, many people are celebrating how far we have come, as well as reflecting on how far we still have to go. The Northeast ADA Center is part of the ADA Nati...
